Saturday, October 8, 2011

#CHEAP Brilliant Dreamweaver Cs5

Brilliant Dreamweaver Cs5

Brilliant Dreamweaver Cs5

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Brilliant Dreamweaver Cs5 Overview

Dreamweaver is a sophisticated and powerful tool for professional website design and production. It is used for designing everything from home pages to full-scale commercial websites and is considered in the industry as the best, most popular web authoring tool for professional web developers and designers. The CS5 release fully updates Dreamweaver and improves and increases its utility and usability. This Brilliant book offers an easy, visual way to learn Dreamweaver. It covers everything from planning and preparing a website to installing a web server. It's all here in full colour in an easy to understand format that readers have come to trust. Brilliant Dreamweaver CS5: *Contains new features icons to highlight what is new in CS5.*Is full of real world examples to show readers why they would want to perform a task *Provides project files online to practice.*Includes Macromedia Certified Professional objectives for the Dreamweaver developer certification exam. *Includes a website, www.perspection.com which allows access to additional projects and example files. Brilliant Features: * Detailed index and troubleshooting guide to help you find exactly what you need to know * Each task is presented on one or two pages * Numbered steps guide you through each task or problem * Numerous screenshots illustrate each step * See Also boxes point you to related tasks and information in the book * Did you know ?...sections alert you to relevant expert tips, tricks and advice